Research Question and Innovation Plan
Secondary Research into Wellness Factors.pdf
Technological Feasibility - Challenge App Draft SOW v2.pdf
The Digital Culture is becoming An Epidemic of Dis-engagement - Thomas Chamorro, University College London
Tom Rath and Jim Harter, Well-being: The Five Essential Elements,
Mental Wellness in the workplace is as important as any other measurable KPI, and it is proven that interventions help alleviate mental fatigue. How can we make a difference in employee's wellness in this hyper-connected digital world?
Employee engagement has been defined as “the degree to which an employee works with passion and feels a profound connection to the company” - Jennifer Falkowski, Burnout, Employee Engagement - Journal of Psychological Issues
<aside> 💡 “an emotional and psychological bond between workers and workplaces. increases engagement and inclusion ” - Jennifer Robinson,
Work occupies a significant portion of one's life and it is determent for lot of other factors, a person with a job can afford other necessities. So what ever happens in or about work tends to have an major effect on people. A lack of social circle in work tends to alienate people and leave then with their own thoughts, and more often people find it hard to step out of distressing thoughts when they are alone. Also they find it hard to control their own thought when a thousand things are happening in front of them and then are alone. Adding to this a change in personal or professional environment also causes stress and affects wellness.
Study by John A. Quelch & Carin-Isabel Knoop
Make Engagements in the workspace Fluid and Dynamic
Anything we do repeatedly for a long time becomes second nature to us. The point is to design the workflow system to maximize engagement and interaction. Keep adding this habit into the feedback loop and it will be adding up into the employee system, they become less of strangers and valued in the workplace.
Any work place will have engagement,, but it is highly possible that this comes from just 20% of the people, in contrast our approach will be to design the workflow to maximize participation and integrate each and everyone of the staff together.
Neither Oxygen nor Hydrogen exhibits wetness on their own, but when they are formed together they exhibit wetness someting not an core property for them individually. When people have a sense of belonging and come together to personally, they gain emargence - a state to attain synergy.